touch your face, nose, and eyes frequently.


their weakening immune systems. Also, someone is already suffering from chronic issues such as diabetes or cancer, and it is a problem.

The most important reason that you must know more about Coronavirus is that you will then take the necessary precautions. So, as you read through this article, you will get a thorough understanding of the causes and risks of the disease. The best care that you can take is to wash hands every 2-3 hours for at least 20 seconds. Also, you must use an alcohol-based hand wash and sanitizer to keep your hand clean every time. Besides, it’s not a good idea to touch your face, nose, and eyes frequently.

To avoid contaminating other people, you must follow sneezin tiquettes at all times. It is because Coronavirus can spread primarily through saliva droplets or nose discharge. With chaos all around the world, it has become immensely crucial that we take care of ourselves. Besides, you must at all times be empathetic towards the society too.


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